Prof Sanket Mohapatra of IIMA and Prof M Jayadev of IIMB talk about the FAE track for IMRC 2024

Key Details

Host Centre: Misra Centre for Financial Markets and Economy (MCFME)

Submission Requirements: Complete Papers Only

Submission Link:

Awards: Best Research Paper: ₹ 25,000; Best Doctoral Research Paper: ₹ 25,000

Call for Papers

The Finance, Accounting, and Economics (FAE) Track invites academics, researchers, doctoral students, and practitioners to submit completed research papers in all areas of finance, accounting, economics, governance, and financial risk & analytics. Topics include but are not limited to: 

  • Theoretical and Empirical Asset Pricing
  • Quality of Financial Reporting and Adoption of IFRS
  • Market Microstructure and Algorithmic Trading
  • Insurance / Reinsurance / Pension Funds
  • Business Cycles
  • Corporate Finance, Capital Structure and Dividend Policy
  • Corporate Governance, Executive Compensation and Ownership Structure
  • Financial Policy Choice, Institutions and Regulation
  • Enhancing Liquidity in Commodity Derivatives Markets
  • Public Economics
  • Asset Allocation and Investment Management
  • Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics
  • FDI and Portfolio Capital Flows
  • Household Finance
  • International Trade and Exchange Rates
  • Financial Crises, Systemic Risk and Macro-Finance
  • Financial Risk Analytics and Management
  • Financial Analytics
  • Monetary Policy and Banking
  • Global Value Chains and Firm Performance

FAE Advisory Committee

  • Prof. Charles Calomiris (Columbia Business School)
  • Prof. Utpal Bhattacharya (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

FAE Track Committee

  1. Prof. Abhiman Das, IIMA
  2. Prof. Anindya Chakrabarti, IIMA
  3. Prof. Ellapulli Vasudevan, IIMA
  4. Prof. Joshy Jacob, IIMA
  5. Prof. Naman Desai, IIMA
  6. Prof. M Jayadev, IIMB (Co-Chair FAE Track)
  7. Prof. Sanket Mohapatra, IIMA (Co-Chair FAE Track)

Conference Timeline

Submissions Open May 01
Submission Deadline July 31
Paper Acceptance  August 31
Registrations Open September 01
Registration Deadline  October 31