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Call for Papers

Paper submission for the pre-conference doctoral workshop

11-Nov-23, 23:59 IST

Abstract Submission for the main conference

11-Nov-23 15-Nov-23, 23:59 IST
Decision on the doctoral workshop paper and main conference abstract acceptance18-Nov-23 26-Nov-23, 23:59 IST

We are inviting unpublished original extended abstracts for a possible presentation after peer review at the ICODO using the submission link:

You may also email your abstract submission to with the Subject line as

[ICODO’23-24] <Paper Title>. Please mention the authors’ names and affiliations clearly in the abstract below the title.

All the submissions must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Prospective authors may submit an extended abstract of not more than 1500 words in two pages (including text, diagrams, tables, references, 11-pt font, one-inch margins on four sides, single-spaced). Areas of research for abstract submissions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Governance, Strategy, and Value of IS
  • Information Systems and Future of Work
  • Digital Networks and Communities
  • Sharing Economy, Platforms, and Crowds
  • Digital technology-driven entrepreneurship and New Business Models
  • Cybersecurity and Privacy Concerns
  • Digital and Mobile Commerce
  • IS Design and Human-Technology Interaction
  • Digital Sustainability
  • Digital Banking and the Future of Payments
  • Digital Strategies for AI
  • Ethics of Digital technology
  • Use of Digital Technologies for large-scale impact on social and environmental change
  • Digital tools for improved manufacturing productivity (Industry 4.0)
  • Digital marketing tools for customer acquisition and enhanced customer experience

Submissions will be reviewed for novelty, rigor, and impact. Decisions will be sent to authors no later than November 26th, 2023. The International Conference on Digital Organizations (ICODO) does not take copyright on the submitted abstracts.