Key Details

Host Centre: NSE Centre for Behavioral Science in Finance, Economics & Marketing

Submission Requirements: Complete Papers Only

Submission Link:

Award: Best Doctoral Research Paper: ₹ 25,000 (where the first author is a Doctoral student)

Prof Pritha Dev talks about the ‘Behavioral Science in Management’ track for IMRC 2024

Call for Papers

The NSE Centre for Behavioral Science in Finance, Economics, and Marketing (NSE CBS) invites you to join us at the India Management Research Conference: IIM Ahmedabad (IMRC 24’) to attend the Behavioral Science in Management (BSIM) Track. This year, the centre’s annual conference will be amongst 11 tracks hosted by each of the institute’s 10 centres of research excellence.

The Behavioral Science in Management (BSIM) Track seeks to illuminate the multifaceted applications of Behavioral Science—a discipline focused on investigating human behavior and decision-making. By acquiring insights into individuals’ decision-making processes and responses to various stimuli, organizations and policymakers can refine and optimize their strategies, offerings, and regulations to achieve their objectives. In Finance, for example, Behavioral Science finds practical use in analyzing the impact of psychological biases on investment decisions and creating subtle ‘nudges’ to encourage higher retirement savings. In Behavioral Economics, this field’s understanding of human behavior can shape public policies and influence pricing strategies while in Marketing, Behavioral Science provides valuable perspectives on consumer behavior, enabling marketers to devise more compelling advertising campaigns and fine-tune product positioning. 

We welcome the submission of high-quality scholarly papers that will explore the application of Behavioral Science in Finance, Economics, and Marketing. Authors are encouraged to submit papers that are related to these areas. We look forward to receiving contributions that contribute to the advancement of Behavioral Science and management understanding.

Authors are requested to provide three keywords with their submission. Submissions will be categorized under sub-tracks that are focused on Finance, Economics & Marketing. Illustrative research topics could include:

The Use of Behavioral Economics to Shape Public Policy

Applications in Neuroscience for Projecting Consumer Behavior

Methodological Research on Tracking Consumer Behavior and the Effect of Nudges

Understanding the Nonlinearity of Consumer Behavior: the Role of Mediators and Moderators

Behavior Differences Amongst Consumer Segments: What, Why, and How

The Influence of Incentives On Human Decision-Making

Assumptions and Challenges to Neoclassical Economic Theory

Neuroscience in Predicting Trading Decisions of Investors

Behavioral Economics of Gender

Applied Insights from Neuroscience and Behavioral Economics to Brands and Advertising

Behavior on Networks

Neuromarketing Strategies in Management: Utilizing Brain Insights for Consumer Behavior Analysis

Scientific Committee

  • Dr. Tirthankar Patnaik