Key Details

Host Centre: Centre for Transportation and Logistics (CTL)

Submission Requirements: Extended Abstract (1000 words) & Complete Paper (Optional) 

Submission Link:

Prof Debjit Roy and Prof Sandip Chakrabarti talk about Transportation & Logistics track for IMRC2024

Call for Papers

The Transportation and Logistics Track invites cutting-edge research papers in broad domains of transportation (both passenger and freight transportation, across modes), logistics, supply chain management, warehousing, order-fulfilment and allied areas. Papers should use new and emerging data and methodologies to analyse or solve critical contemporary as well as futuristic transportation and logistics problems faced by industry and government. The papers should contribute to scholarship, practice, and policymaking in India and globally. It is expected that presented papers will generate novel ideas and stimulate productive discussions, and will have the potential for getting published in leading academic journals. This track will contribute to academia-industry and academia-government knowledge exchange, leading to improvements in the efficiency of multi-modal transportation systems and supply chain logistics, thereby promoting economic growth and fostering sustainable development. Sub-tracks include: 

6.1: Passenger Transportation & Sustainable Urban Mobility Systems

Leveraging New and Emerging Data and Technologies for Improving Urban and Regional Mobility Enhancing Resilience of Transportation Systems Institutional, Financial and Policy Issues of Public Transportation Infrastructures Public Private Partnerships in Transportation Air Taxis
Reducing Environmental Impacts of Passenger Transportation Systems Promoting Safety of Transportation Systems Private Sector Innovations in Shared Urban Mobility Electrification of Transportation Autonomous Mobility Systems

6.2: Freight Transportation, Logistics & Supply Chains

Optimising Logistics Networks Managing Warehouse Operations Including Robotics Supply Chain Management E-Commerce and Order Fulfilment City Logistics
Managing Sea Ports and Inland Intermodal Facilities Reducing Environmental Impacts of Freight Transportation Systems Freight Pricing Facility Location Cargo Drones

Scientific Committee

  • Dr. Chandra Bhat
  • Prof. Jayashankar Swaminathan
  • Prof. René de Koster