Key Details

Host Centre: Centre for Sustainability and Corporate Governance Research (CSCG)

Conference Website: India Responsible Capital Conference (IRCC-2024)

Submission Requirements: Extended Abstract (1000 words) &  Complete Paper (Optional) or Case Study (Optional). Please note that complete papers or case studies are mandatory to be eligible for awards.

Authors of accepted abstracts can submit full papers or case studies by November 25, 2024.

Submission Link:

Award: The conference will present awards for the Best Paper, Best Case Study, and Best Doctoral Research (with the first author being a doctoral student), each carrying a prize of ₹ 25,000, to qualifying entries.

Prof Anish Sugathan and Prof Neerav Nagar talk about the IRCC-2024 track for IMRC 2024

Call for Papers

This is the research paper track for the India Responsible Capital Conference (IRCC 2024), co-located with the India Management Research Conference (IMRC 2024). We invite participants to submit research manuscripts in the areas of corporate governance, corporate sustainability, and business ethics for presentation at the IRCC 2024.

IRCC 2024 will assemble thought leaders from academia, research, industry, and government, fostering a multidisciplinary dialogue to explore the evolving landscape of corporate governance, corporate sustainability, and responsible capital with an emphasis on the Indian context.

IRCC 2024 aims to encourage research papers in several critical areas: integrating sustainability into business strategies and practices; exploring green and sustainable finance; sustainable marketing and branding; sustainable supply-chains; business model innovations addressing climate change; examining corporate governance and ethics; carbon markets and climate policy instruments; navigating regulatory frameworks and responsible corporate behavior; and assessing stakeholder engagement and sustainable value creation. The track on Corporate Governance, Corporate Sustainability, & Responsible Capital invites submissions categorized into the following sub-tracks: 

8.1: Integrating Sustainability into Business Strategies and Practice: This theme focuses on approaches, and challenges for integrating sustainability  principles into business strategies and models. Illustrative research areas include:

Informativeness of Sustainability Metrics And Reporting Frameworks Firm Performance Metrics
and Sustainability 
Sustainable Product and Process  Innovations
Sustainable Marketing and Branding. Non-Market Strategies for Engaging with Institutional Opportunities and Challenges of Sustainable Transition Goals.  Sustainable Supply Chain Models and Strategies

8.2: Green Finance, Carbon Markets and Sustainable Financing: This theme explores the innovation and impact of financing solutions that aid in investment flows to projects with environmental benefits and aligned with sustainable development. Illustrative research areas include:

Green Finance and its Role in Supporting Sustainable Development Climate Risk Assessment and Management in the Financial Sector Open Market Mechanisms to Drive Financing for Sustainability Transition
Carbon Markets: Role in Facilitating Emissions Reduction Green Bonds and Sustainable Debt Instruments for Financing Climate-Friendly Projects Financing Green Projects Through Multilateral and Regional Institutions

8.3: Climate Change and Systemic Risk: This theme focuses on the intersection of climate change and risks to the macro economic and social system. It explores the implications of climate change for business risk, adaptation and risk mitigation strategies, macroprudential monetary and fiscal policy, and the integration of climate considerations into system-level analysis and modeling. Illustrative research areas include:

Integrating Systematic Risks and Sustainability in Business Risk Management Strategies. Macroprudential Policy Responses to Climate Change Risks Incorporating Climate Factors into Modelling of Socio-Economic Systems
Climate Policy Frameworks and Their Impact on Financial Markets and Financial Institutions Climate Adaptation, and Mitigation Strategies for Businesses.

8.4: Corporate Governance, Ethics and Firm Performance:  This theme explores the relationship between corporate governance, adherence to ethical practices and financial performance, shedding light on the impact of effective governance on organizational success. Illustrative research areas include:

The Influence of Board Structure and Composition on Firm Performance Outcomes Shareholder Activism and its Effects on Corporate Governance and Financial Performance Board Diversity and its Impact on Decision-Making and Firm Performance Outcomes
Executive Compensation and its Implications for Firm Performance The Role of Audit Quality and Financial Reporting in Enhancing Corporate Governance

8.5: Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainable Value Creation: This theme explores the role of stakeholder engagement in sustainable value creation, highlighting the importance of collaboration and inclusivity in achieving long-term business sustainability. Illustrative research areas include:

Engaging Employees in Sustainability Initiatives: From Awareness to Action Investor Engagement and the Integration of ESG Considerations Community Involvement and its Impact on Sustainable Value Creation
Building Sustainable Supply Chains through Stakeholder Collaboration Social Impact Measurement and Evaluation in Stakeholder Engagement

Scientific Committee

  • Dr. Olayinka Moses (Victoria University of Wellington)
  • Prof. Runa Sarkar (IIM Calcutta)
  • Prof. Sairam Bhatt, NLS Bengaluru